Friday 18 May 2012

The Freshest Flavours of May...

April & May are a time of preparing for the summer's growing season - we've been planting plenty of salads, runner beans, french beans, parsnips, carrots, beetroot etc., but generally it's a poor time of year to be reaping a harvest from the garden.
Thankfully we have some late winter veggies such as purple sprouting- still full of flavour and the first Spring Cabbage with delicious buttery new potatoes. All seasoned with plenty of fresh herbs and chopped wet garlic (no, it's not a leek!).

Our fresh duck eggs with asparagus and rocket have been going down a treat, and for main course we are currently serving Cornish Lemon Sole, Local Wild Venison Steaks and our own Glazed Pork with Roast Vegetables.

Got room for dessert? Mostly rhubarb based, including pannacottas and crumbles, or Eton Mess with the first sweetest strawberries of the season!

We'll make sure we keep up the hard work in the garden so are guests can enjoy it's fresh flavours all year long :)

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